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Protective Styles: 2 Big Cornrows | Ziuzo Salon Review

Written by Mariette Immaculate


Posted on February 27 2017

Catface Hair Protective Styles: Cornrows
This year, I promised myself and a few cool cats that I will share more tutorials and tips to help you discover many ways you can change your hair safely and creatively.
I got my hair did and I'm in love! I usually take care of my natural hair myself at home but every now and then, I do love rolling up to the salon to for a treat. This month, I visited Ziuzo salon in Lewisham, London. Owned and managed by the lovely Victoria (Aunty Victoria to me), Ziuzo sits in the heart of Greenwich High road in South London.
This was my second visit to the salon, I collaborated with Ziuzo last summer at the Afro Hair & Beauty Show. I have a handful of salons in London's that are my go-to depending on location, Ziuzo is definitely one of them. Since last summer, I've gone from the Black Mint Green + Pastel Dream to the Grey Silver Faux Locs and then the Black Grey Faux Locs (coming soon).
This time round, I was itching for a lighter protective style that wont require me to sit my ass down for more than 2 hours. Since having the faux locs which is installed with the crochet braid method, I feel so spoilt knowing I can sit down for 2 hours and have a whole head of "braids". HAIR REVOLUTION ALERT!
Catface Hair Protective Styles: Cornrows
First thing we did was wash and condition my natural hair, Victoria parted my hair in two for the two big cornrows, she also cornrowed a small section inside each big parting to crochet some ombre hair extensions before we begin plaiting. We decided to do this to make the cornrows thicker and bulky to match the size throughout.
In total, we used 3 packs, this look can be attached with 1 - 4 packs depending on how thick you want your cornrows.
Don't forget to add some Catface Hair Charms for extra sass <3

 Contact Ziuzo:

84 Lee High Road, Lewisham,


SE13 5PT



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